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Spartanburg County Man Sentenced to 14 Years for Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child

Justice and Community Support

Spartanburg County Contends with a Disturbing Case

Here in Spartanburg County, the community is dealing with a particularly jarring court decision. A man hailing from Chesnee was handed a 14-year prison sentence this Thursday. The severe verdict is due to the repeated sexual assault of a child over a substantial period of three years.

The accused, Bobby Wayne McDade, 47, was declared guilty on multiple counts. This includes three counts of second-degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor, and an equal number of counts for third-degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor.

Looking into the specifics, it appears McDade started these heinous activities back in February 2017 when the victim was just 11 years old. The abuse lingered on until October 2020 when the victim turned 14. The investigations conducted by the local county sheriff helped unveil the appalling reality.

On a slightly brighter note, McDade now resides on the Sex Offender Registry, and also the Central Registry of Abuse and Neglect. Upon release, he will be obliged to follow lifetime GPS monitoring. It’s worth noting that McDade’s previous criminal history consists of non-violent burglary and petit larceny.

Bringing the Octobers Magic with a Certain Retailer’s Collection

Moving on to lighter news, folks, and the word on the street is that a certain popular retailer known for its affordable furniture and home accessories just upped its game. That’s right. They’ve brought out a Halloween collection, and it’s the talk of the town.

Truly, whether you’re a fan of the fall season, or simply passionate about home decor, this collection hits the spot. If you’re eagerly planning an eerie front yard display or a wizard-themed gathering, these decorations are guaranteed to capture the magical essence of Hogwarts!

Transform Your Yard with September Planting

And finally, here’s some valuable advice for our green-thumbed friends out there. Planting in September can bring wonders to your backyard. Be it for those colorful blossoms in spring, or for fresh vegetables through winter, timing your efforts this month can make all the difference.

In conclusion, the law may be meting out justice for some grave crimes in Spartanburg County while on the brighter side, we have magical decor for every wizard-loving homeowner and promising planting plans for the hobby gardeners. It’s all in a day’s news, right?

Spartanburg County Man Sentenced to 14 Years for Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child Spartanburg SC

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