Big Changes Coming To Spartanburg County’s Roads With New Roundabout Construction

Big Changes Coming To Spartanburg County’s Roads

Good people of Spartanburg County, mark your calendars! Starting this Tuesday, you’ll want to brace for a slight detour as you navigate around the block. We’ve got some fresh updates coming your way and honestly, it’s bound to shake up your regular route a bit. But don’t sweat it, because we’re here to give you all the deets.

The main event? A new roundabout construction! Yep, you heard it right. A roundabout is making its way to our lovely county, specifically at the crossroads between Apple Valley Road and Berry Shoals Road in the well-known Duncan area.

Now, we know roundabouts can sometimes be tricky. Trust me, I’ve had my fare share of twirls and twirls around these circular intersections. But did you know they’re lauded for their superior safety features? Once everyone gets a hang of it, they help regulate traffic flow in a more consistent and less collision-prone way. Not to mention, it also helps in reducing the severity of potential accidents. And that, my friends, is a win-win for all of us!

Coming To The More Practical Details:

With all good things, comes a wee bit of hassle. The construction work means Apply Valley Road to Reidville Road and SC Highway 101 will be off limits for most of us. Yes you got it, it’s closin’ time for these parts of the road, at least for the most part. However, do not fret! This closure is temporary and estimated to last only about a month.

One month, folks. We promise it’s a speck of time compared to the years of smooth and safer rides we’ll be getting in return. And hey, who knows? You might even discover a love for the scenic detours and new routes you’ll have to take.

Remember, all great changes require a bit of adjustment and patience. If we can navigate through 2020 and still manage to greet each other with a smile (behind the masks, of course), I’m sure we can handle this month-long detour. Let’s take it as an opportunity to explore some new parts of the county we might not have seen before.

This might feel like a little inconvenience for now, but think about it: once the roundabout is completed, we’re looking at smoother commutes, increased safety, and a more seamless traffic flow. Besides, isn’t it exciting that we’re getting some top-notch infrastructure development right here in our own backyard?

So, heads up, Spartanburg County. With the start of this construction, the dawn of safer and smoother rides is upon us. Buckle your seatbelts, hold on tight and get ready for the adventure!

Stay patient, stay safe and embrace the change on the roads. Your navigation skills are about to reach roundabout-master status!

HERE Spartanburg

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