Car Struck by Freight Train in Spartanburg County: Driver Escapes Unharmed

Car Struck by Freight Train in Spartanburg County

Car Trapped on Tracks

In a shocking turn of events, a car was hit by a freight train on Thursday afternoon in Spartanburg County. The unfortunate incident took place at the intersection of West Cleveland Street and Hayne Street. Reports suggest that the vehicle was trapped on the train tracks due to a malfunction of the long gate arms.

The trapped car was mid-way on the tracks when the mishap occurred. Unable to proceed any further or retreat due to the descended gate arm, the vehicle was left immobilized on the tracks as the incoming freight train approached.

Driver Escapes Unscathed

In a fortunate turn of events, the owner of the vehicle managed to escape from the car in the nick of time. The driver, who’s identity is undisclosed at this stage, is reported to have fortunately escaped and avoided sustaining any injuries. The safety of the train’s crew onboard the freight train was confirmed, with no injuries reported from their side either.

Time of the Incident

According to Chief Jeff Hadden with the Una Community Fire Department, the incident happened at round about 5:53 p.m. on Thursday evening. The law enforcement agencies are investigating the incident, as well as the circumstances which led to the car being trapped on the tracks.

Clearance and Aftermath

Post incident, significant efforts were made to clear the tracks and to normalize train services. The car, which was significantly damaged in the incident, was eventually towed away after necessary examination was conducted by the authorities.

This incident has led to renewed calls for increased safety features and regulations to avoid such mishaps in the future. As the investigation continues, a thorough inspection of the gate arms’ functionality is expected to be carried out to ensure such incidences do not occur again.

As per the latest updates from the investigating team, no charges have been filed against the driver as the incident appears to be caused due to unforeseen technical difficulties.

Story by: HERE News Team

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