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Hot Mess Express Lends A Hand to Organize Homes Across Spartanburg

Home organization volunteers collaborating.

Hot Mess Express Lends A Hand to Organize Homes Across Spartanburg

In Spartanburg, South Carolina, a unique non-profit organization, Hot Mess Express, has been extending helping hands to residents across the Upstate, assisting in mundane household tasks and home organization. Established in 2022, the organization’s mission is to step in where their help is needed for home-based chores and tasks.

A Life-Line for Householders

Brandy Hall, the Chaos Coordinator for Hot Mess Express, spoke candidly about the foundation of the organization. She described the difficulties she faced as a mom following the birth of her son, highlighting how a spiraling list of chores led to severe post-partum depression. Hall wished for someone to say, “Don’t worry about those dishes, we’ll get it for you.” Her lived experience ultimately led to the establishment of this initiative.

The Hot Mess Express offers valuable support in managing household duties that can often become overwhelming. They deliver their services at least once a month, assisting recipients with a whole range of domestic tasks such as cleaning dishes, vacuuming, and organizing, among others.

Assistance Beyond Just Household Tasks

Volunteer Amanda Trhlim shared her experience with the organization. Initially joining as a volunteer, Trhlim had to seek assistance herself when she felt overwhelmed by her circumstances – losing both parents before the birth of her first child, working from home, and managing the household. Hot Mess Express, she recounted, became the very support system she needed during that period. “Hot Mess came and stepped in, and they were that support that I needed at that time,” Amanda said.

Hot Mess Express serves with a simple and judgment-free approach. Clients can either approach them directly or be nominated by others. The team then arranges a day and a time to lend a hand. Kayla Hill, another Chaos Coordinator, shared moving incidents where recipients were moved to tears after seeing their homes cleaned and organized, sometimes for the first time in a long while.

Expanding to Help More

Hot Mess Express aspires to expand their volunteer base and reach out to more women across the region. According to Amanda Trhlim, giving back to the community is a rewarding experience. She finds joy in letting struggling individuals know that they are not alone and that there is a supportive community ready to assist them during challenging times.

The organization sustains itself through donations. Those interested in donating or volunteering, or those who need help themselves, are encouraged to reach out to the association. Hot Mess Express provides indispensable, judgment-free, and much-needed assistance to households across the Upstate. They are committed to meeting home-based needs and helping individuals reclaim their living spaces, one home at a time.

Hot Mess Express Lends A Hand to Organize Homes Across Spartanburg Spartanburg SC

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