Bearden-Josey Women’s Cycling Team Launches ‘Miles for Mammograms’ Fundraiser for Free Breast Cancer Screenings

A Fun and Worthy Initiative: Miles for Mammograms

Well folks, we’ve got something super important to talk about today. It’s about that brilliant team, Bearden-Josey Women’s Cycling Team, you know, the one with the fun nickname? Well, they’re not just good at pedaling; they’ve got a heart of gold too. What are they up to, you ask? They’re organizing a ride, not just any ride though, they’re doing a fundraiser – Miles for Mammograms.

The team is pedaling to raise money for something crucial – providing free mammograms. You read it right, free mammograms. But not for just anyone. They’re particularly targeting folks who are uninsured or underinsured. This is being done for a cause we all should rally behind – fighting breast cancer.

No matter who we are and what we do, we all know someone or have heard of someone who’s battled this tough disease called breast cancer. It’s a cause that matters and deserves our attention and support. Which is why the initiative by the Bearden-Josey Women’s Cycling Team is something worth talking about and supporting.

Make A Difference with Miles for Mammograms

The whole thing is happening on Saturday, September 14th. You won’t have any trouble finding it; just head over to Holston Creek Park, 7561 New Cut Road, Inman, S.C.. They’re starting registration check-in at a bright-n-early 7:30 a.m. and the race itself kicks off at 9 a.m.

If you want to get in the game – and why wouldn’t you? – you can schedule your mammogram or a breast health visit. The details are pretty simple, and you can reach out directly on the SpartanburgRegional website’s breast-health page or call them at 864-560-7777. Cool, right?

DIY Weatherproofing with Beth Allen

But hey, that’s not all we are going to talk about today. We have the awesome Beth Allen with us, the founder of Home Improvement Project Chicks (HIP Chicks). You know Beth, she’s the whiz who can pretty much fix anything in your house with a bit of craft and that magical toolbox. She’s here to share some top-notch DIY tricks we can all use!

Allen has a clever way to weatherize your windows. Which, let’s be honest, we need because the winter is creeping in. We’ll let her take it from here and spill the beans and make the magic happen for our homes this winter.

IKEA Steps Up Its Halloween Game

Speaking of making magic, let’s talk Halloween! Everyone’s favourite furniture extraordinaire, IKEA, has something wicked up its sleeve. Trust IKEA to have all of us in a jaw-drop right about now. The affordable furniture brand has unveiled its Halloween collection. We are excited to say – it’s everything! So, make sure you check it out, it really is a trick and a treat!

So that’s it, everyone! Join us next time for more scoops on events, DIYs, amazing offers, and wonderful people being themselves and creating positive change. Keep it real, folks!

HERE Spartanburg

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