Former Wofford College Student Files Suit for Sexual Battery – Spartanburg News

Former Wofford College Student Files Suit for Sexual Battery

Spartanburg News

A former Wofford College student, Catherine Rand, has filed a counterclaim against a fellow student, Graham Boswell, who she accuses of sexual battery. The incident dates back to February 2022 when Boswell was charged with sexual assault after an encounter with Rand on campus. However, the charges were later dropped due to insufficient evidence.

Boswell’s Lawsuit

In response to the dropped charges, Boswell filed a federal lawsuit in October 2023 against Wofford College, Rand, and the arresting officer. Boswell maintains that the encounter with Rand was consensual and denies the allegations of sexual assault. He claimed that the fallout from the accusation and arrest had a profound impact on his life, forcing him to make changes in his daily routine and causing emotional distress.

Rand’s Allegations

In her counterclaim, Rand detailed the events leading up to the encounter with Boswell. She mentioned consuming alcohol and Delta 8 gummies at parties on the night in question, resulting in severe intoxication. Rand alleges that she was unable to give consent due to her state of inebriation and only has fragmented memories of the encounter.

Timeline of Events

Rand recounts that she went to Boswell’s apartment under the pretense of making pasta but woke up naked in his bed with Boswell on top of her. She described feeling coerced into sexual acts against her will and experiencing physical pain and distress. After leaving Boswell’s apartment, Rand sought medical attention at Spartanburg Regional Medical Center, where a nurse examined her for signs of sexual assault.

Concluding Impact

Since the incident, Rand has faced emotional turmoil, loss of social connections, and a significant change in her personality. She expressed concerns about the implications of her case on other survivors of sexual assault, fearing that it may discourage them from coming forward with their experiences.

As the legal battle unfolds between Rand and Boswell, the community awaits further developments in this sensitive and complex case.

HERE Spartanburg

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